Po, Bronda and Infernotto Valleys


This is where the Po River is born, the Monte Viso springs: the legend has it that the Carthaginian sergeant Hannibal crossed this area with his army and his elephants. This is also where the first Alpine tunnel was made in the 14th century: the marquis of Saluzzo Ludovico II wanted the creation of the Monte Viso Tunnel – also known as Tunnel de la Traversette – in order to facilitate the exchange of goods between France and Italy as well as the passage of people.

Besides the Monte Viso Tunnel, which is still today one of the favourite destinations of high-altitude hiking lovers, the Po, Bronda and Infernotto plains offer cycling and mountain bike enthusiasts several routes, both paved and unpaved. These routes lead to the main touristic sites such as the “Parco del Monviso”, the village of Ostana, one of “Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages”, the Museum of Nature and Santa Maria Staffarda Abbey in Revello, Oncino’s Memory Pathway and the Rio Martino’s cave in Crissolo.

Po Valley

Route Anello della Valle Bronda

A nice route that offers a 360° view over the Bronda and Po valleys with some charming views
on the Bracco Monutain and, of course, on the Monte Viso. [read more]

Po Valley

Route Pian del Lupo, Rifugio Infernotto, Montescotto

An interesting route both for its technicalities and for the panoramic views on the Po and Infernotto
valleys. A first uphill trail leads to the beautiful and sunny village of Agliasco. [read more]

Po Valley

Route Anello Croce Tournour

On clear and sunny days, this route offers a charming view of the Monte Viso as well as on the
whole Po Valley. [read more]

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