A rich historical past and a present that has gone all-in on culture. Move invites you to discover Occitan identity and the ancient remains of the Marquisate in popular traditions, in music and art, castles and stately mansions. Discover art and culture with Move.

Grana Valley

Sanctuary of San Magno in Castelmagno

The Sanctuary of San Magno rises up on the traces of a Roman temple (ara) dedicated to the god, Mars, protector of soldiers and farmers.
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Castello della Manta

The magnificent ring of the Cottian Alps, dominated by the massif of the Monviso, is the backdrop to this large castle which lies in the immediate vicinity of Saluzzo.
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Saluzzo Plain

Cathedral of Saint Mary of the assumption

The construction of the building began in 1491 and terminated in the first years of the 16th century.
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Maira Valley

The Church of San Peyre of Stroppo

Situated in mid valley, along the road which leads to Elva, the church sits on a rocky spur which looks out over the road below.

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Saluzzo plain

The castles of Lagnasco

Amidst verdant countryside and protected by the striking setting of Monviso, the three castles form an architectural structure with decorative elements which range from the 11th to the 19th century.
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Saluzzo plain

Cycling: in the two hearts of the city of Saluzzo

A fascinating trail through the lower and upper parts of the city, amid architecture and urban areas of different periods.

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visitmove.it - Comune di Saluzzo - p.iva: 00244360046 - info@visitmove.it - Co-finanziato con il Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione PAR-FSC 2007 - 2013