Po Valley

Upper Po Valley

On the territory of three small villages at the foot of Monviso – already known as Mons Vesulus in ancient times due to its visibility from the plains of Piedmont and Lombardy – the visitor will find a rare and fascinating mix of history, nature, sports, and traditions. There are stories to know, views to admire, and sports to practise in summer and winter. [read more]

The Oustano Routes

The ancient routes of Ostana are hiking itineraries which allow you to discover the alpine culture. [read more]

Varaita Valley

Museum of time and of sundials

The records centre of the Museum of time and of sundials, located in Bellino in the hamlet of Celle, offers an interpretation for whosoever wishes…
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Po Valley

The Hill of Revello

From the hill of Revello, a natural “balcony”, you can admire the truly spectacular view of the mountain where it is transformed into the plain.

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