This double route includes two uphill tracks loved by road cycling lovers. The first one reaches
the secluded Municipality of Montemale, characterised by the unmistakable profile of the castle. [read more]
A rather complex route that includes two tough uphill sections made famous by the last editions of
the road cyclosportive known as “Fausto Coppi”. Every year, at the beginning of July, it welcomes
bike enthusiasts coming from all over Europe. [read more]
This route is dedicated to road cycling. It includes two symbolic uphill sections of the valley: the
first one, which leads to Madonna del Colletto, which unfolds along the sunny side of the Gesso
Valley. [read more]
A flat route that partially extends along the “Cyclo Monviso” route and that, along secondary
roads, connects Saluzzo to Racconigi and Savigliano, offering the chance to admire their charming
historical centres. [read more] - Comune di Saluzzo - p.iva: 00244360046 - - Co-finanziato con il Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione PAR-FSC 2007 - 2013