Tour of Rocca La Meja – Canosio

The  tour di Rocca la Meja  (Gino Gertosio Trail) is a ring route in the upper Maira Valley at the foot of the majestic, limestone, Dolomite peak.
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The trail of Cyclamen in Macra

A simple  ring route  combining nature, art and sport which picks up the old mule track, and goes through various hamlets which are abundant in the typical architecture of this territory.

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Stura Valley

Lou Viage

Lou Viage  (the journey) is an itinerary organised into 19 stages which crosses all fourteen districts of the Stura Valley.  It offers a range of trekking or mountain bike routes of varying levels of difficulty.

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Varaita Valley

Pas-si. Cross-border routes

Cross border hiking trails retrace the ancient communication routes used in the past to cross the mountains and reach the French slopes for commercial or work reasons.
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Po Valley

“Horizon Monviso”

“Horizon Monviso” is a hiking ring of remarkable beauty and variety.
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Tour of Viso

The Giro di Viso is a hiking route around the peak of Monviso.  For resting spots, there are a few mountain huts built around the peak of the highest of the Cottian Alps.
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Varaita Valley

Tour of Castellata

The Tour of Castellata winds through traces of a unique experiment in European history – that of the Escarton Republic.
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Varaita Valley

The forest of Alevè

The forest of Alevè, in the upper Varaita Valley, hides a large part of the south west slope of Monviso.
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