A unique landscape to be discovered nestled in nature. Move will take you step by step in the valleys of Monviso: hiking, cycling, forest walks, nature reserves, eco-museums and much more. Experience nature in the open air with Move.

Po Valley

Museum of Po Revello

Three dioramas telling about the Monviso Park, from the mountain to the plain.  A tour to find out about the environment and animals, to see them close up, in their own habitats.

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Varaita Valley

Alevè Tourist Centre in Casteldelfino

Entering the visitor centre of Casteldelfino means being immersed in the scent and colour of the forest of Alevè.

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Varaita Valley

The forest of Alevè

The forest of Alevè, in the upper Varaita Valley, hides a large part of the south west slope of Monviso.
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Po Valley

Piròpo Museum of Martiniana Po

The heart of the Po Valley conceals a scientific treasure of international value: the piròpo, a mineral from the garnet family.

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Varaita Valley

Museum of time and of sundials

The records centre of the Museum of time and of sundials, located in Bellino in the hamlet of Celle, offers an interpretation for whosoever wishes…
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Po Valley

Staffarda Abbey and woodlands

Entering the Abbey is like taking a leap backwards in time and returning to the Middle Ages.  In the shapes of the columns, the lights, the frescoes, even the odours, it is not difficult to imagine the monastic life which existed within those walls.
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Po Valley


Very close to the city of art of Saluzzo and to the island in the time of Staffarda, Paracollo is a fascinating site from a nature point of view.
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Po Valley

The Hill of Revello

From the hill of Revello, a natural “balcony”, you can admire the truly spectacular view of the mountain where it is transformed into the plain.

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