Eco-museum trails

In the Upper Stura Valley on the trail of the shepherds

In the upper Stura Valley of Demonte, there are two types of trail to be found; one which winds from Pontebernardo to Sambuco and is suitable for families; and another which links Pontebernardo to Ferrere and is suitable for hikers.

On the trails of shepherds, peasants and smugglers, discovering the signs left on nature by man: a path through the alpine landscape of the upper valley amongst stunning villages and the rocks of the Dolomites.

I due itinerari sono segnalati e una descrizione completa è consultabile qui



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[ torna su ] - Comune di Saluzzo - p.iva: 00244360046 - - Co-finanziato con il Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione PAR-FSC 2007 - 2013