A double flat route that can be entirely or partially crossed. It unfolds along country roads, both
paved and unpaved, at the entrance of the Grana Valley. The Filatoio Rosso of Caraglio is the starting
point. Built between 1676 and 1678, it is one of the biggest spinning wheel factory in Europe.
Today, it hosts the Piedmontese Silk Museum. Here, you can start pedalling along equipped routes,
with graphic panels that will show you fun facts and anecdotes linked to two important topics of
this project: the Madernassa pear and the silkworm.
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Contact info
visitmove.it - Comune di Saluzzo - p.iva: 00244360046 - info@visitmove.it - Co-finanziato con il Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione PAR-FSC 2007 - 2013