Discovering the “Villa” in Verzuolo
It is without a doubt the most important artistic and architectural monument in Verzuolo.
The parish church is located within the fortified enclosure of the original centre of the ancient town, known as “La Villa”, documented in the mid 11th century. On the medieval site, between the 11th and 12th centuries, were the bell tower and cell at the base, decorated with the Stories of San Nicola di Bari, by a Piedmontese maestro who was part of the ottonian art movement.
The original structure with three naves was transformed into a single nave in the mid 1400s and numerous frescoes are dated to this period. Among the decorations of the medieval phase is the tabernacle in green stone from Sampeyre dated 1473. It is an elegant artefact redolent of the sculptors from southern France who were in the workshops of Saluzzo in that period.
Opening 2016: aperture Antica Chiesa Parrocchiale
Contact info - Comune di Saluzzo - p.iva: 00244360046 - - Co-finanziato con il Fondo di Sviluppo e Coesione PAR-FSC 2007 - 2013